The robots are coming! The robots are coming! They’re everywhere. They’re coming for your job, too. You can beat them and here is how. I read the title of a blog post this morning called, “How to Make Yourself Irreplaceable at Work” and the title intrigued me greatly. I started thinking about how robots could replace pretty much any job…
Author: justadminnit
Need Another Reason to Vote No on Transit Referendum?
If you needed one last reason to vote ‘no’ and slow the pace that Translink turns hard earned money into a fart in the wind, read this shocking article sent to me by my friend today. Although the article is filled with other horrendous displays of the youthful, carefree spending of a crack addict, I just wanted to focus on…
Introducing Mr. Soulcase
Theologically speaking, Mr. Soulcase should probably be named ‘Mr. Spiritcase” but it just doesn’t have the same ring. The Bible says in Corinthians 2 verse 11: For who among men knows the things of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So too, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. People without faith in…
How to Fix a Viciously Frozen Ubuntu Machine
Although it’s always better to run Ubuntu on a new machine and experience the lightening fast way that it relates to new hardware, if you happen to have an old machine upon which you have installed Ubuntu 14.04 you may have experienced a nasty freeze after you login. I spent many hours trying this and that. I guessed it was…
Weird Bug Fix for Crashing Owncloud Client on Ubuntu 14.04:Segmentation Fault (core dumped)
Not that most of you are going to ever see this or care, but as for me, I just spent about 6 hours over the last few weeks trying to resolve it so I hope as a public service this will help someone both fix their client and save some time! Background: My Ubuntu owncloud client was working just fine…
Procaffeinating – Definition Corrected and Expounded
You may have seen this most excellent image floating around the webs: I thought it was pure genius and if I had the energy or time, I’d probably track down the source and give them credits but that kind of work is for previous generations. Also, I couldn’t find any detailed expounding on this new and most excellent word. Also,…
Great Article to Quickly Review Our Financial and Investment Literacy
This is a great article to quickly reveal how much we *don’t* know about $$ and what we need to do. Thanks to my friend Paul who forwarded this article to me. I think these are most painful to me because I remember sitting there in high school having a classmate explain to me the importance of compound interest and…
How to Privatize Your Calendar with Owncloud, Thunderbird, and Lightning
Edit 151224: I had accidentally selected ‘ics’ format instead of caldav. Sorry about that. Now it works! — Getting your calendar off other people’s servers should be a priority. It’s bad enough that you’re being tracked unwillingly but throwing your daily calendar out there to be viewed is borderline twisted. I needed a solution where the sync was happening on…
Stella Young – Inspiration Porn
I have got to say… Watching this presentation by Stella Young completely revolutionized the way I view disabled people. In a humourous way, Ms. Young presents a non-humourous subject matter – the way non-disabled people view disabled people. My spew will follow underneath the embedded TED Talk below: This speech really challenged me and my position and relationship with…
Stuff to Keep in Mind for Realtors, Tenants, and Landlords in BC
Here are some snippets of information that should help both tenants and agents. When a property is for sale, there are some rules that need to be followed and some in particular are more relevant to common real estate transactions involving tenants. First here is a link to the BC government tenancy guide page Next, here is the actual PDF…