
Free Android CalDav Calendar Sync with Owncloud

After a long, long, time, the solution to syncing my Owncloud calendar to Android was bloody easy.  The reason why I couldn’t get it done is because it seems that google (no surprise) blocks these kind of tools from their app place.  They like to have things like your daily schedule and whereabouts nicely available for exploiting. If you don’t…

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Global Technological and Industrial Revolutions

A fine student I know, Eric Cho, wrote this essay and I thought it was a pretty cool quick read that pretty much covers all areas of advancement that we have faced in recent history and some implications. Enjoy, and thanks, Eric!   There have been several historically significant revolutions throughout the last three centuries and some that are still…

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Coffee, Life Skills

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, Dang it!

There are some of you out there who just don’t seem to get it.  You either say you don’t like coffee or you drink bad coffee – and both of these illnesses need to be cured quickly before it spreads to other innocent victims. This week, in the office lunchroom, I was privy to hear the following statement made: “That’s…

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