Faith, Faith and Religion, Parenting

Should Yoga be Taught in BC Public Schools?

UPDATES: RESPONSES below added     The following is a real dialogue between a British Columbia parent who didn’t like the idea of their child doing yoga without their permission in what they thought was a secular school.  Note that the parent received no further communication after sending their time-consuming response below: Original Email written by Teacher to Parent Mrs.…

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Faith, Faith and Religion, Humour

The Best Way to Flee Naked

I love God’s word.  All of it.  Some of it, I will indeed be asking Him directly about one day for the full revelation but for now, while I’m sporting my patented Glasses Darkly,  I only get a little glimpse. Today I was reading this unique chunk of spiritual revelation.  It occurred seconds after Jesus was betrayed by Judas and…

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Faith and Religion, Life Skills

Friends, Family and the Flesh

My dear spouse, why do I find it hard to receive biblical perspectives and teachings from you? Why do my family and friends always discourage me from my heart’s desires? Why are my family and friends not as excited about my prospective mate? Do some of these questions hit home?  For Bible believers, they are tied together quite intimately. Last…

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Faith and Religion

The Real Jesus of the Bible

I’ve been a professing disciple of Jesus for about 20 years.  Prior to meeting Jesus personally, I had seen an Anglican version of Him.  It was a ritualistic cookie cutter machine of religious gymnastics.  I realized I didn’t have what it took to become good at this sport so I left.  When I really met Jesus it was through a…

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Faith, Faith and Religion

Manna: What is it? It is this.

UPDATE: I’ve included a response from a friend to this post in the body of the post below under these neato little == markings, removing some personal identifying items. ========================= I could feel the heavy burden on my back when I woke up.  It was also on my chest.  I could also feel it pushing on my temples (both sides). …

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