Faith and Religion, Life Skills, Technology

Healthy Biblical Position on Privacy and Security

Second revision: March 17, 2016 The other day I indicated to a Bible-believer friend that I would prefer to only communicate with this person (and everyone else) by means of Telegram or secured email, rather than SMS messaging or totally unsecured email.  To my surprise, this person replied back that they were ‘unsure of their biblical position on privacy’. Being…

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Life Skills

Life Hack: Using Clips to Improve Your Life

I don’t usually find a lot of videos that have a wide appeal, but this bad-boy is really good.  Except for his use of unsafe technology (apple) in his demo and their nasty proprietary adaptors, this is a very inspiring and useful video. USEFUL VIDEO TO USE CLIPS EVERY DAY I had some challenges replicating his ear-bud trick because my…

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Business, Freedom and Privacy, Technology, Ubuntu

Is Gmail Safe to use ‘Just for Business’?

No.  Google is *not* safe to use ‘just for business’, I confirmed clearly today. About seven or eight years ago when I moved my whole life over from proprietary operating systems to Ubuntu, I was still using services like Gmail, Google search engine, Twitter, and a few other ‘services’ like these every day within the Ubuntu environment.  Thankfully, I had…

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How to Install Telegram on Cyanogenmod

If you were following my other post this week, you’ll see that I’ve had to take a short trip away from ubuntu phone while a few kinks are ironed out.  I had started down this journey thinking that I would just install Cyanogenmod and then download a few apps from google play and then kill the connection to the mothership.…

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