Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology

Google’s New Daddy Alphabet and Why You Should Care

Whether you are a conspiracy theory buff or not, it’s probably a safe bet to say that you think Google is a big and powerful global company that has the potential to do some ‘serious stuff’ if they wanted.  Well, today marks a new day in history when you might want to amplify your efforts to withdraw from their ever-reaching tentacles with Google’s announcement of its ceremonial install of it’s new parent company, Alphabet.

First, what’s in a name?  The word ‘alphabet’ comes from ‘alpha+beta’.  On  a surface level, you could say it’s the ‘AB’ of the Greek “ABC”.  Alpha means ‘first’.  No matter what, it means ‘beginning’.  But, it also means ‘God’ – as in the God of the Christian Bible.  In the book of Revelation, Jesus Himself says this “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty”.  It would have been too obvious for Google to make their parent company “alphaomega”, or perhaps they tried but they didn’t like the way the two vowels ran together in the middle… but I digress.  Point here is that ‘alpha’ has a fairly well established meaning of ‘God of the Christian Bible’ or ‘Jesus Himself’.  But, it doesn’t end there.  What does ‘beta’ mean in our modern world?  Way back it was just equivalent to the “B” in the Greek alphabet but in our world in which Google lives, ‘Beta’ means ‘testing’ or ‘the nearly-finished final product stage’ of a software code release.  See this longer definition.  I can’t help but reading into this new name as ‘The final stages (beta) of establishing our false position as the all-seeing eye of a god in the earth”.

Do take some time to read this fresh news release and let it sink in.  One of the highlights for me was the section of the article under the heading ‘What will it actually mean?” and the response was ‘It is unclear.”  Well, it’s not unclear at all.  A Korean friend of mine found an article where the direct answer from Google as to why they are doing this is ‘to reduce risk’.  They have created a ‘ghost company’ that will be run by the then-current selected leader who will thus control not only the current form of the company and it’s subsidiaries as we know them, but also any future venture that should fall under their interest radar.

And with ‘less risk’.

Which begs the next question: What is said protection for? What risk?

Answer: Risk of something bad happening to them.

Question: What bad thing?

Answer: They would probably say ‘bankruptcies’ but the truth is ‘a lawsuit of a very severe nature’, of course.

Question: But we can still sue the Google corporation if they do evil works, can’t we?

Answer: yes, but the people who are really responsible are now hiding behind the legal shield of ‘Alphabet’.

Question: No further questions.

This announcement is, in my opinion, the news article of the decade and its repercussions will ripple into your life if you don’t take urgent action today to free yourself from their grips.

I thought I had written some articles on this blog about de-googling your life, but apparently I hadn’t.  There are some good articles out there that I followed which helped tremendously.  I’ll do my best to publish stuff on this topic when I have time but take the responsibility yourself to start the job today.

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