Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Delete or Remove Completely an extra page in Inkscape

First, all credit where credit is due. Inkscape is awesome. Amazing vectored graphics program and with the new GUI update, it’s looking and feeling really nice.

However, this one situation sucked 10 minutes of my time TWICE, so I’m writing a blog on how to do it in case this happens again.

For whatever reason, whenever I load Inkscape these days I get an extra blank white page before the thing I’m working on.

I tried everything: right clicking, menu searching, punching myself, and more. Nothing worked.

Finally I found a video which I’ll post below but here are the text steps to delete a page:

How To Delete/Remove a Page in Inkscape

  1. On the far left vertical menu, go to the very bottom and select ‘Pages Tool’ which is the double-paper icon
  2. Select the page you want to delete
  3. Right click ‘Delete page’ or just hit the ‘delete’ button on your keyboard

Bye-bye page. We didn’t like you anyways.

How to Add a Page in Inkscape

Why not thrown in a bonus section?

To add a new page:

  1. On the far left vertical menu, go to the very bottom and select ‘Pages Tool’ which is the double-paper icon
  2. Drag with your mouse the shape and size page you want
  3. Go back to your far left vertical menu, go to the very top, and select the mouse-arrow icon.

Hello new page! You’re looking pretty nice, I’d say!

Hope that helped.

Here is the video to credit the dude who saved my day…

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