Nextcloud, Tutorial, Ubuntu

Problems renewing Letsencrypt certificate on Nextcloud Snap

Super quick post here to explain my problem and solution for why my Nextcloud Snap Letsencrypt certificate wouldn’t renew on my ubuntu server and how I fixed it.

I got a warning that my SSL certificate was expired when I was using my nextcloud client.

I read a few blogs on how to renew it and the solution was always to simply run:

nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt

So, I did that and everything seemed like it was working but… it didn’t work. Although there were no errors in the script, I continued to get the expired certificate warning.

I then recalled that I had attempted to set up another piece of software on the same server using the ‘usual apache’ and the ‘usual letsencrypt’ (certbot --apache). When those two instances running together wasn’t working, I just uninstalled apache again, and kept the Nextcloud snap running. However – I had not deleted any of the original letsencrypt stuff nor the config files in the /etc/apache/ directory.

So, I just went into /etc/apache/sites-available directory and deleted all those config files (you might want to keep the 000-default.conf file or whatever it’s called) with:

sudo rm filename.conf

Then I re-ran the command above:

nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt

And then everything seemed to work again.

So it seems that for whatever reason on this server there are conflicts between the ‘native ssl certs’ and the ‘snap certs’. I am not smart enough to know more, but hoping that this will help someone else with the same challenge.

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