Freedom and Privacy, Technology, Tutorial

Bridging a Matrix and Telegram Room


For this tutorial, we shall assume that you already have:

  • An existing Matrix chat room of which you are administrator and
  • A Telegram supergroup with admin rights to add members
  • The Matrix room is set to “Anyone who knows the room’s link, apart from guests” in the “Who can access this room” settings of the group
  • Encryption is turned off (otherwise bridge won’t work)

Let’s continue assuming the above to be true.

1. Add username “@tchncs_bot” to the Telegram group to which you wish to bridge Matrix

Do this in the usual way you add a member to a Telegram group.

2. Send Request to Telegram Bot to get Alias Info

In the Telegram Group chat text input area, type
And then send as a message to the group. It will spit back a long paragraph including this key information:


3. Invite the Alias Bot to the Matrix group

This step should be ok by any regular member of the group (no admin needed)
Invite this user to your matrix group:
You should see message “Alias Bot joined the room”

4. With Full Admin Rights to the Matrix Group, Bridge it!

You will not be able to do this with anything less than full admin rights.
In the chat text input area, enter:

!alias #telegram_-12345668987654321

and send it (of course replacing the numbers with the ones you got in Step 2 above)

5. Enjoy your newly built bridge

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