Humour, Ubuntu

Pronouncing Ubuntu Correctly Matters.

Mr. Joey Sneddon,

I don’t know you and I’m sure you are a really nice guy (you seem nice in some youtube videos) and that you mean well and probably think you are helping Ubuntu, however, you published this article called how to pronounce Ubuntu which I think is damaging to the Ubuntu project.

I’m not sure if you read my article on the same topic that I wrote about three years ago, but if not, here it is for you:


Could you imagine if someone walked up and said I’m running ‘iose’ on my ‘iphonay’? (iOS/iphone)

The person who spoke such pronunciation would display that they are *not* in the community of participants.  They are clearly an outsider of the group.

So how you say the word *does* matter and saying it differently does *not* help unify the project.

And, as a final point of irony, apparently when I said your last name I pronounced it ‘Snay-don’ which someone said is incorrect.

I told them it doesn’t matter and I can just say it however I like.

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