Amateur Radio, Tutorial

How to Set the Plus/Minus Offset Duplex Setting for Repeater Use in Baofeng UV-5R

This is part of a series of posts that hopefully will save people a bunch of time.

How to Set the Plus/Minus (+/-) Offset Duplex for Repeater Use in Baofeng UV-5R

Important note: if you wait more than 9 seconds between any step below it will automatically go back to home screen and you have to start again, so work those fingers, baby!

  1. Press Menu button
  2. Press 25 on keypad.  This will bring you to the section of menu where you can edit whether duplex is + or – (default is 600 by the way).
  3. Press menu button again.  This means “I am now editing this part of the menu”. You’ll see a little arrow appear if you have options to see by using the arrow keys.  In this case, a menu will appear because you can toggle between + , – and blank
  4. Toggle with up/down arrows to the setting you want.
  5. Press Menu again. This means “I am now saving the settings I edited in step 4. If the voice audio is on you will hear ‘confirm’ which means victory
  6. Press ‘exit’ to get back to the home screen or just wait the 9 seconds or more and it will go there for you automatically

Done! You’ve got your offset duplex thing all set.

Go to this page for more tutorials as I write them:


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12 thoughts on “How to Set the Plus/Minus Offset Duplex Setting for Repeater Use in Baofeng UV-5R

    1. Yes, there is! I haven’t done it in a while but definitely there is a way. Let me dust it off (had a busy year) Basically you set what you want HOW TO SET FREQUENCIES/REPEATERS then you save it to memory… which is what I can’t remember how to do… let me see… this massive manual will help you a lot if you have time: specifically your answers should be on p. 33 of this and onwards and can be used in conjunction with my links which are hopefully ‘dumbed down’ for speed. Hope this helps sir.

  1. on the Baofeng uv-5r how i offset the frequence insteed of 000.000 i want 00.000 i tryed that minus thing but that didnt do anything is still 000.00 in frequency help

  2. just make the setting change and press the MENU button to save the change. Pressing the MENU button saves and moves cursor arrow to top or bottom data field, depending on where it is when you press MENU.

  3. For those that aren’t understanding the offset, you have to program the offset first, in numerical value at menu 26, menu 25 you set if its + or -.

    1. I haven’t used my radio in so long… I totally forget. But there is a good manual someone wrote for this radio to replace the one that came with it which was pretty bad. If you search online you should find the free PDF for the Baofeng. Duckduckgo is your friend….

  4. On my UV-5R, when I am in Channel mode the offset ALWAYS says 000.000. When I go back to Frequency mode it magically says 000.600. I don’t know if it is just the menu that lies while the radio actually will take the offset into account, or if the offset does not work when in Channel mode.

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