Amateur Radio, Freedom and Privacy, Technology

Should I Kill my Dumb Smart Phone Forever?

You know, sometimes you read an article and when you read it you are sure it’s wisdom screaming out at you.  You know there is truth there.  You know you should listen.  This article is just such an article but before reading it, let me state a few things:

  • she should also ditch google and all the other invasive companies who are ruining her life secretly
  • is there a need even for the landline?  This is a debate on with my friends now.

The ‘cell phone’ has become a ‘computer in your holster’.  Everyone knows it.  Everyone feels the addiction and gets panicky when they can’t feel the bulge in their pocket…

It is undeniably a chain, a leash and perhaps even a noose.

Also shared by my buddies was this link.

This article speaks of some technological and privacy reasons why it might be wise to bench the stench.

What we need to do here at W.O.T. is create a useful series about how to break the chain of addiction one day at a time.

Oh! There is one solution, like the landline, not mentioned here and that is that you could get your ham radio license (amateur radio) and communicate just fine and dandy in plain view of the world.  Then you can say “Text??  How about ham me at VE7CAK at 5:00pm?”  Actually, you *can* text message with ham radio, if you want.  I’ve forced my parents to license up because one neato thing not mentioned in any of these articles is that these dumb phones are radio transmitters that can’t talk to each other without a cell phone tower or wifi connection in between.  In Canada, that means they are useless across most of the land!  So with radio you control your own network, not your telecom. Ham radio baby.

This dumb smart phone ain’t no bottle of vodka – it’s much stronger.

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