Business, Technology

Getting Global Wit’ it (bitcoin)

Yuliya Talmazan had previously called me and then published this article featuring myself as one of the retailers accepting bitcoin in Vancouver.  I still find it amusing how there are two Taylors in the same article. Then she dropped by during her coverage of bitcoin for her time on the 6 oclock news.  I grabbed the file and decided to host it right in this site instead of uploading to youtube.  If you have any problems viewing it let me know and I’ll concede.

All in all, I wanted to thank Yuliya for being a leader with these kind of stories.  Vancouver incubates a surprisingly large number of such communities.   I think she would do well to consider the Vancouver Ubuntu community as well. There are quite a few crossovers and some very passionate members – including myself.

So, thanks, Yuliya and I hope you will keep an eye on this.


(should pop open your media player)


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